Tuesday, 27 September 2011


All the negative space
In-between each tear
Has me slouching towards wisdom.

Learned impulses
And fractured heartbeats
Leave me drifting past knowledge.

What do I know,
About the human spirit.
What can I know?
As a sub human, bare threads
Of humanity
Lace their way through me.

Half made
Never worn
Over wrought

Ah, ceaseless motion.
Beating heart
Flowing blood
Ebbing tide.
Keeping me regular as
Rusted clockwork.
While I startle those around me
When I toll my bell on the hour.

A theatrical tragedy
Or is that a comedy of errors.
Only Shakespeare would know.
As I play Viola
A woman in men’s clothing,
Beauty guised as the mundane,
In an adaptation of my own circumstance.
Life as a double entendre. 

Sunday, 11 September 2011


Outside the window it rained
Silver drops of fallen cloud
Cascading from the sky
Coming down with my mood.
Heavily. Pounding through sadness.
This unrequited love, drips
Through the unrelenting rain.
Its ferocity upturns my stoicism
Drowns me in hot waves
Of tears and anxiety.

The thought of not having you,
The thought of having you,
The thought of you at all
Sends me into frenzies of
Panic, passion, happiness, sadness.
You unhinge me.

I am unrequited,
And thus unfinished.
And now, I’m unravelling,
Trying to recapture all of myself
In the muddy ground
In the pouring rain
Through bitter tears
With broken promises
Holding my heart.


Time scrapes
Dragging its pointed
Second hand
Across my corneas
Blurring my vision
Taking my eyes out
For another season of woe.

Tideless and saltless
An empty sea lays still
And all I can hear
Are the echoes
Of a hollow shell
Held to a broken ear.

A feather,
Soft and pure,
Feels like steel wool
Pressed firmly against
Fragile epithelial cells,
With my broken pores
Letting the light in
In broken shards.

Touch turns to blistering burns
Sight turns to blinding pain
Hearing turns to deafening silences
Taste turns my tongue to molten lava
Smell turns to dour odours.  

My senses were never so heightened
As they have been
In our aftermath.

I’m tender in the wake of you. 

Friday, 12 August 2011


A year passes so fluidly.
Life meanders on through the stream of time.
Loss stays with you.
Always at your back
I miss you.
I cry for you.
I wish you weren’t gone.

The pain in every ones eyes
At the mere mention of your name
Gives me goose bumps of dread.
Where are you now?
I guess we will never know.
But traces of you have been left
Imprinted on me forever.
Your hand print on my heart

I try to smile when I think about you
But sometimes I miss you too much
And I can’t smile.
I know you would hate that
You always made me smile in life
It’s harder to make people smile in death I guess.

If you’re anywhere
Floating around in the ether
Know this,
That I think of you daily
And I miss you minute by minute.
I’ve been a bit lost
Without your guidance this
Last year.
I hope I’m making you proud.
I hope I’m becoming the woman
You always saw in me.

Strength through memories
That’s all I have now.
Memories in silver and gold,
Black and white,
Shades of sadness,
Carrying me through.
Keeping you in my heart.
Keeping me afloat.


All through my life,
Whenever I thought of you,
I would see streaks of silver.
You glistened, you shone, you dazzled.

Friend of my mother.
Heart of wisdom.
Soul of impossible kindness.

All through my life,
I wanted to be just like you.
I  Still do.

You were the woman I looked up to.
Brave, funny, bold.
Unashamed of everything that made you
What you were,
Frightened of nothing.
Strong, kind, gentle,
I idolized you, and you never once faltered
From the pedestal I placed you on.

My female inspiration,
My moral compass,
My Godmother,
My friend.
My very own Silver Lady. 


You with your sadness
And shadows behind your eyes,
I with my litany of remembrance.
What a grim pair we should make.

But what happens when our lips collide
Is that I forget, and you shine.
No shadows, no sadness, no memories
Just us, here and now.

Two lost souls treading the same path
Lingering in unison engulfed in our
Own darkness.
My kindred spirit, a soul mate perhaps.
Hold my hand as I loose myself in your embrace.

Thursday, 11 August 2011


The grey sifts through the light
Falling heavily into the air
Dancing streams of silver
Cloud my vision
On this dull day.

Heavy rapture
Choked breath
Undulating spirits of the dead
The lost
The closer to God I lean
The further away I feel

Second hands sound out
Like a jack hammer in my brain
Swirling time
Loosing faith,
Loosing what is fated.

The worlds music
Brings calm
Calm brings emotion
Emotion brings space
Full, packed space
Crammed right in there
Like the particles of an atom

The light sifts back through the grey now
Bring it back to me
Call me home
Call me. 


Tiny grey pieces of brain matter
Each holding a different piece of me
Each containing a different memory
Each one a different part of the puzzle.

Rip them apart,
Put them back together
And leave out gaping holes.
Room for improvement,
Space to forget.

I wish I was splayed out
On a hospital gurney.
Eviscerated and cleaned out.
A bloody pumping mess
Waiting to be refilled.
Waiting to be made whole and perfect
Without all of the damaged raw meat
That fills me at the moment.

Tiny grey pieces of brain matter.
Some I use
Some I don't
Some I wish I didn't have.

Funny how something so small and soft
Can seem so vast and solid
When you try to hold it.


Dusk drips down the walls of
My mind and drapes itself around me
Dreams overcome me
Night embraces me as
A creature of its own making
Time lingers for me as I float on clouds
And tip toe across oceans
Waves lap the shores of my subconscious
Waves of silver and gold glistening
In the half light of a moon filled sky.

I am on a beach, barefoot on the sand.
I spot a seashell, luminous and perfect
And solitary in the night.
I am naked and stark white against the
Pitch black back drop.
I am glistening wet and a gentle sea
Breeze ruffles my hair.
I pick the seashell up and raise it
To my ear, and I hear the dull
Splash and groan of a thousand
Ebbing tides.
I am humbled.

The moon is a cold eye in the
Sky’s sullen face.
I focus on it and I am faced with my own reflection.
Naked and wet and unashamed.
I am shocked by my own brazenness
And then I wake.
And I crawl into warm welcoming arms.
Arms that wrap themselves around me,
Willingly and eagerly, and I am happy,
And for the first time in my life I
Realise, I am truly content.


Redefining me.


I’m so lost without your touch
So empty without your kiss
Like my skin is numb
Like my eyes are blind
So full of loss
I’m hollow

Your fingers left traces on my flesh
That I can almost see
And if I close my eyes tight enough
I can feel your breath at the
Nape of my neck
As I lie in my empty bed.

Every where you were
Sparks in me a fire,
And every electric impulse in my brain
Floods me with images of you.
My body is cold
Without you near me.

This is killing me
I just want my life back
You came like a whirlwind
And left my world shattered
Around my feet
But I would give anything
To feel those all consuming winds again.
For you to sweep me up
And make me spin
Like a twister in my heart. 

Sunday, 7 August 2011


Touch me gently with savage claws
Sedate me with a saccharine smile.
Kiss me with cyanide lips.
Embrace me with granite arms.

Love me hard
Love me fast
Love me thick
Love me deep,
Love me intrusively
With reckless abandon
But mostly,
Love me painfully
Without mercy or grace.
And love fiercely,
Aggressively, with no apologies attached.

That’s how I want it.
How I need it.
Uncompromising lust.
Unerring love.
Unfailing intensity.

Oh, you could make a play for my heart.
But only if you catch it
In needle lined kid gloves.
My blood on the hands of my lover.
My heart a syringe stuck corpse.
Tragic soul aflame,
Inside a  timber box. 


I am stuck
In the doldrums
Of dole days
And lager nights.

Hit the city lights,
And sleep till 2pm.

Do I surmount to this?
Am I that...
Or just that inebriated?

For all my pseudo intellectualism,
I am back in a room,
In my parents house,
Where I grew up.

Surrounded by childhood memories,
That I don't think I ever managed
To fully leave behind.
The thick fullness of them hindering my adulthood,
Stunting my growth.

So, do I surmount to this?
A litany of failed lives,
Failed loves
And failed longings.
All set to ash underfoot,
On this stained carpet.

And while the walls of my heart
Drip with the blood of
What I could have been,
What I should have been,
I relinquish myself to
Watching the world pass me by again.
And, glass of wine in hand,
I resign myself to my failures,
And tiptoe back
To despondency in the doldrums. 


Time with all its glorious hindsight,
Pricks at me.
Stinging my face with its tears.
How many times can a heart
Be broken apart like a jigsaw?
Be put back together again
On the playroom floor
Of another in a long line of playmates?
Well, from now on I’m hiding a few pieces.
And one in particular, no one will ever find.
And that final piece to the puzzle
Of my heart will forever remain mine.
Kept in its box.
And though it will make a beautiful picture,
It will never be complete.
The prelude to my next romance is this,
I’m keeping a part of my heart,
Only I will ever own. 


In my ear you whispered
Three little words we all long to hear.
When dreams had taken you
When night caressed your lips,
And sleep hushed you to a breathy croak.

Awake in arms thick with slumber
Restless, and naked and warm
I nuzzled backwards into those words.
Like you really meant it.
Like you offered me all of yourself
And I guzzled you down hungrily.
Greedily lapping you up.

But you were asleep
Lost in your dreamy darkness.
And you said what I’ve waited for.
The way I’ve longed to hear it,
Full of truth and meaning
Full of heart and warmth.

In my ear
In the dead of night
Whilst you were dreaming
You whispered
‘I love you’
And I wished you had been awake
Then I would know it was true.


Self righteous
Self betrayal
Smothered in self loathing.
Where is my joy?
Has my hapless wonder
Gone to seed?
Deadened in the winter of
My lost enlightenment?
Oh look, here come self pity
To join the party.

I’ve been consumed
By the glowing embers
Of my own dying fire.
Time to douse me in petrol.
Time to strike a match.
Re-ignite my soul.

I’ve stopped feeling beauty,
Seeing emotions,
Hearing the worlds visuals.
My artistry endangered
As I lick my own skin
To try to taste myself again,
Because I can’t remember
What flavours I come in.

I touch the air with my fingertips
To feel the world again.
Moving particles around my head
To make myself feel more involved
In the continuous motion
Of this spinning pile.

I think I swallowed my creativity.
But I can feel it,
Crawling through the gaps in my teeth.
Its coming back,
Lingering on the tip of my tongue,
So when I think my mouth is full
I’ll raise my hand to my lips
And blow onto my palm
And  rub my hands together
Until the friction starts a fire in me
Until I’m ablaze again. .

A couplet. Before and after.


My heart seems borne of frailty
Fragile I am.
Vulnerable under your guard.
My skin, once thick
And hard as diamond,
Turns to porcelain under your gaze.
I am breakable with you.
You hold my heart in your hands
Moulded like plastacine.
Every inch of me feels transparent
Around you, I am an open book.
Around you, I am lost
Around you, I am a million different languages
Just waiting to be spoken.
Around you I am safe.
I've never felt this safe before


My skin had turned to something,
Porcelain I said.
As though being that fragile
Meant we were more desirable,
Frailty through the skin
Of a broken object such as my heart,
Why should I have thought this desirable?
Because you broke me.
What I thought was impenetrable
You penetrated wholly and fiercely.
And all the while I thought it charming,
I was being deceived
By a false safety that you exuded.
And now I fall
Shattered to pieces.
Because of you, I am unwritten.
Because of you, I’m more lost.
Because of you, I am a dead language,
Soon to be forgotten.
Because of you I am vulnerable.
More vulnerable than I can afford to be. 

3 Poems about my Grandmother. The fall from grace.


Oh Grandmother,
My heart.
Patron saint of our family.
I see you as a luminary,
O f solitude, grace and strength.
A woman who’s hands
Have borne the work of men,
And whose hips have done the same.
Whose lips have tasted poverty, yet,
Fed her children gold.
What sights you’ve seen,
What fears you’ve felt,
Yet still you’ve soldiered on.

Oh beacon of the Irish heart,
Oh heroin of same,
You have built a strong hold,
Around us, that never can be breached.

Oh Grandmother,
My heart,
Oh patron saint of unity,
Gather us together in
Matriarchal arms and smother
Us in tea and biscuits. 


A vague and putrid essence
Assimilates into cold bed sheets.
As a mighty Amazonian takes her fall.
A warrior woman.
Laid slain in week old pyjama’s,
And we like pygmies huddle round her,
As though she were a shrine to lost greatness.

What sickness is this?
Grasps the strong and makes them weak.
Touching all around it with its ferocity.
It will not sleep,
As anger, madness and panic creeps through
The veins of all around it, all that touch it.

The warrior woman becomes bound by it.
Succumbed to its devilish charms.
We cannot bear the weight of this great woman.
Fallen so heavily onto such moistened earth.

What do we do, but wait and let her waste away,
As she always wanted,
Surrounded by nothing but her own murky memories
Of a past no one else remembers
Of a time no one else is from. 


A matriarch of sickness
Spilled upon the bathroom floor,
Spread across linoleum
Like hardened butter.

Snapped heartstrings
Plucked from their core
Broken in shards around you.
It has come to this.

It has come to shove,
Because all you did was push.
Force us out of pity into anger.
Penetrate our open hearts
With steely resolute bitterness.

I admired you once,
I even hated for you.
I will always love you.
But nothingness comes to the rescue,
As we watch you squirm
And shout
And abuse

A bird on its belly,
Fallen from…
From what?
Never from grace.
But into degradation
Self inflicted.
And the open wounds
Of those closest to you,
You decide to salt.

A matriarch.
At least the shadow of one,
Morphed beyond recognition
Into a medusa,
Your snakes hissing and biting
Turning us all to stone. 


In the vacuum of light
My soul calls out to you.
I can hear yours calling back.
But I can’t reach you,
Can’t grasp anything except your emptiness
It slips through my fingers.

All I want to do is touch your skin.
Traces of you on my pillow,
On my skin,
Even that is fading.

Hearing your silence,
Feeling our vacancy,
Touching your distance from me.
All I want to do is hold you
You’re much too far away.
There’s too much space between us. 


Delicate strands of light
Laced the edge of the clouds
Tainting them pink
And slowly turning the dark
Into a bright glowing blue
Busily preparing the sky for sunrise.

As the huge orange sun
Rose from beneath the horizon
The stillness and calm
Of this early world was interrupted
By a cacophony of birdsong.
A thousand voices in fugue
Praising the glory of daybreak.

The sun rose higher still
And light found its way into every crevice
Gliding over every surface
That the night had hidden
Within moments the earth had come alive.
The ground walked with a million feet
And the sky flew with a million wings
And the breath of the world
Danced and rippled upon the glistening water
And rustled through the trees


With a small amount of wisdom,
And a huge amount of fear,
I jumped.
Head first into the depths of your heart.
Nothing prepared me for this. 
Your beauty and grace surrounding me,
Engulfing me,
In fire and water and air,
And soft soft kisses that last for days.
And you are just there,
An abundance of love and laughter,
And when I close my eyes at night,
Your smile is the last thing I see.
So I fall asleep smiling. 

You make me feel beautiful.
You're inside my heart.
Locked in there,
And wrapped all around me.
I want to stay lost forever
In your embrace, 
And find myself again in your kisses.
And at night, when I whisper ‘I love you'
To the stars,
I hope that you can hear it,
Through the rustle of the breeze


The pearls of my wisdom equates to this,
What dreams have made of me.
The burden of self awareness,
Limitations of a 2D existence,
I am a paper doll.
Jagged edged
Holding the hands of a dozen other versions
Of myself.
You can use me as a decoration,
Or separate me into the individual parts.
A paper army of myself.
Either way, all I know, is that all I have
Is the bare shape of myself,
An outline.
That’s all I show to the world.
A dozen blank, white paper dolls,
Fluttering away in the breeze.


A lover’s garden
Gone to seed
Rose red he said
Whispered in her ear
Breathy and coarse
Like their love.

Desolate now,
A wasteland of loss
A garden of remembrance
She gazes now
At the long dead rose bush
Lost in the memory of reds and ambers

Black thorn she whispers,
Black thorn.  

Poetic Musings

To start a blog for poetry..hmm... maybe this is an exercise in futility....maybe not...either way...something has to be done....so from here on in...I shall be posting my poetry on here in the form of a blog..and perhaps any other inane ramblings that I see fit to regurgitate publicly. A few to start off I guess. Then more and more each day....Enjoy.

What Dreams

What dreams have made me weak? As tender darkness sweeps, And the Sandman floats In velvet cloak, To snatch the day so sweet. What night-tim...