Tuesday, 5 February 2013


Through various poses
Through various stages
Through tears and tantrums and doubts.
Through joyous occasions
Through loneliest heartaches
Through sickness, despair and let downs.
Through various cities
Through various time zones
Through innocence, altered and greyed.
Through sleeplessness spent at the edges of reason,
Through moments of violence and rage.
Through exquisite touches
Through tender encounters
Through timelessness, through all the pain
Through happy and sad,
We are fixed to give calm
And comfort with our open arms.
We smell of her youth,
We hold all her secrets
Locked safely inside our stuffed hearts.
Inanimate playthings
With fur on the outside
We are strong
We are solid
We are soft
Throughout all these years
She has cuddled our safety
We are teddy
We are bear
We are stuffed.

What Dreams

What dreams have made me weak? As tender darkness sweeps, And the Sandman floats In velvet cloak, To snatch the day so sweet. What night-tim...