Friday, 31 August 2012


I am at an impasse
Between heart and mind
Body and soul
I am floundering
In the depths of my
Own murky waters.

Where is my solace?
Where is my giant bear hug?
My words of solidarity or comfort?
Where is my 5am voice
At the other end of a telephone?
Where is my everything?

I tried to declare a moratorium
On all things pertaining to my heart.
But it didn’t work.
It keeps beating
And feeling
And never letting go,
Never stopping its
Constant rhythm of
Thick, blood lined emotion.
A distant heavy tattoo
On fleshy drums.

It’s no wonder I can’t tell
What direction I'm going in.
Steps forward
Steps backward
Steps sideways.
It’s all just steps to nowhere.

I console myself with cheap coffee
Cheaper movies,
And even cheaper wine.
There are no arms of respite here.
Here alone with my death
My breath
My lingering heart beat.

I am at an impasse
I am at war
I am holding on
And I am letting go

Stripped bare
To the bone
To my core

Reviling myself
In a body that’s slowly ending.  


Where the godless fear to tread.
That’s where I keep my heart these days,
Or at least my head,
Where no light gets in.

Where tumble down is a stasis
And chaos gives way to a stillness of the mind,
Havoc comforts
Inside the arms of madness.

Quiet calamity
Breaking softly at the
Foot of a vacuum
The breast of heart ache
The mouth of hungry anguish.

It chomps at the bit,
Waiting for the sound of the starting gun,
Like my anger
Hallow and fierce
Standing in line
Emotional cannon fodder.

Blast a gaping hole through my psyche
Let me crawl through myself.
To walk in a straight line
Towards victory,
Or vendetta,
Or simply peace.

What Dreams

What dreams have made me weak? As tender darkness sweeps, And the Sandman floats In velvet cloak, To snatch the day so sweet. What night-tim...