Tuesday 27 September 2011


All the negative space
In-between each tear
Has me slouching towards wisdom.

Learned impulses
And fractured heartbeats
Leave me drifting past knowledge.

What do I know,
About the human spirit.
What can I know?
As a sub human, bare threads
Of humanity
Lace their way through me.

Half made
Never worn
Over wrought

Ah, ceaseless motion.
Beating heart
Flowing blood
Ebbing tide.
Keeping me regular as
Rusted clockwork.
While I startle those around me
When I toll my bell on the hour.

A theatrical tragedy
Or is that a comedy of errors.
Only Shakespeare would know.
As I play Viola
A woman in men’s clothing,
Beauty guised as the mundane,
In an adaptation of my own circumstance.
Life as a double entendre. 

Sunday 11 September 2011


Outside the window it rained
Silver drops of fallen cloud
Cascading from the sky
Coming down with my mood.
Heavily. Pounding through sadness.
This unrequited love, drips
Through the unrelenting rain.
Its ferocity upturns my stoicism
Drowns me in hot waves
Of tears and anxiety.

The thought of not having you,
The thought of having you,
The thought of you at all
Sends me into frenzies of
Panic, passion, happiness, sadness.
You unhinge me.

I am unrequited,
And thus unfinished.
And now, I’m unravelling,
Trying to recapture all of myself
In the muddy ground
In the pouring rain
Through bitter tears
With broken promises
Holding my heart.


Time scrapes
Dragging its pointed
Second hand
Across my corneas
Blurring my vision
Taking my eyes out
For another season of woe.

Tideless and saltless
An empty sea lays still
And all I can hear
Are the echoes
Of a hollow shell
Held to a broken ear.

A feather,
Soft and pure,
Feels like steel wool
Pressed firmly against
Fragile epithelial cells,
With my broken pores
Letting the light in
In broken shards.

Touch turns to blistering burns
Sight turns to blinding pain
Hearing turns to deafening silences
Taste turns my tongue to molten lava
Smell turns to dour odours.  

My senses were never so heightened
As they have been
In our aftermath.

I’m tender in the wake of you. 

What Dreams

What dreams have made me weak? As tender darkness sweeps, And the Sandman floats In velvet cloak, To snatch the day so sweet. What night-tim...